Police Management Consultant Program

On those occasions when a police agency may find itself without a Police Chief, and with no agreed upon candidate for promotion (whether through lack of consensus by the appointing authority, a perceive lack of qualified candidates, or otherwise), or in those instances when there are real or perceived issues that call an agency or management review, the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police can serve as the conduit for an experienced police executive to serve as a Police Management Consultant (PMC) for specified period of time. The PMC is a private contractor/consultant employed by the jurisdiction directly (the NJSACOP provides it's services in the process at no charge). By way of this program, the jurisdiction not only has an experienced consultant to manage operations for a specific period of time, but also a valuable resource that can be used to mentor future leaders of the police agency, as well as provide counsel in the review and selection process for the agency's next Chief of Police. 

Our Mission

To promote and enhance the highest ethical and professional standards in law enforcement at all levels throughout New Jersey