Basic Public Information Officer Course

Course Overview:
This one day course is designed for new officers or staff assigned to deal with the media and public relations. The class will go over the State requirements, Attorney General Guidelines, and emerging issues in dealin with the media and public release of information. The hands on training will provide case studies and strategies for handling critical incidents. The class will provide a template for creating news releases and role playing for handling breaking news. The training will provide new public information officers with the techniques and tools to respond to the media as well as an ability to enhance a department's image. Participants will gain the ability to increase community engagement through effective social media platforms. 

At the end of this program, participants will:
  • Learn the laws governing public information officer's role
  • Learn evolving trends in media coverage
  • Create positive media coverage for your agency
  • Demonstrate crisis management and crime scene management
  • Understand the new Attorney General Guidelines for media relations
  • Develop and understanding of how to enhance your Social Media
  • OPRA and the Media
  • Public Information Officers
  • Command Officers who serve in a supervisory capacity or who have contact with the media
  • Governmental employees who deal with the media